Friday, February 14, 2020
Friday, May 31, 2013
100 Years of Debt Slavery and Counting
Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property [that's you and your children] in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a charge back for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer NOT being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattels [property] and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law-merchant under the scheme of secured transactions.
Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading [Birth Certificate] to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debts to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud, which we will call “Social Insurance.”[Social Security] Without realizing it, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and we will employ the high office [presidency] of our dummy corporation [US] to foment this plot against America.
— Edward M. House; private meeting with Woodrow Wilson —
Edward Mandell House
Listen to Deanna's show with Clint and Burt
All patriotards and constitution thumpers should give this a listen
Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading [Birth Certificate] to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debts to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud, which we will call “Social Insurance.”[Social Security] Without realizing it, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and we will employ the high office [presidency] of our dummy corporation [US] to foment this plot against America.
— Edward M. House; private meeting with Woodrow Wilson —
Edward Mandell House
Listen to Deanna's show with Clint and Burt
All patriotards and constitution thumpers should give this a listen
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Origin of Talmudic Law
Talmudic Law is the world's first fictional, fraudulent and inequal system of written Law formed in a custom designed black (satanic) magic curse language called Hebrew first introduced by Menesheh High priest Baba Rabban in the year 333 in the form of the Mishnah at the proclaiming of the Sarmatian state of Israel.
Upon ascending to the throne, BabaRab I abolished the title of Shah as the ancient name of the Emperor of Persia and instead was crowned as “BaalKhan” or “Balkhan” meaning “God-King” and “masya” (messiah) of the Aryans.
BabaRab, also known as “Baba Rabban”, also introduced a range of historic innovations to the religion of Manes to control and eliminate division, including:
(i)A new “secret” language for the scriptures was commissioned known as Ebri (Hebrew) meaning “the path; the crossing (of knowledge)” with all scripture to henceforth be written in Ebri; and
(ii) New scriptures added to the Misdah called Gamara, with gam meaning "step to, come to" and ara meaning "prayer, praise (to gad)"; and
(iii) Summary text called Talmud, with tal meaning "many" and mud meaning "to cry, to groan"; and
(iv)A new priest class known as the Rab and “Rabbi” meaning “master, teacher of gad” were commissioned to translate the scripture from Ebri (Hebrew) to the people; and
(v)Seytan (Satan) was renamed Sabaoth, or “Lord of Hosts” and his name and identity was forbidden to be spoken or revealed, except by the most senior priests. Instead, the common people were to use the ancient Persian word “gadan” or “gad” meaning “one who overpowers, defeats, injures or rapes”; and
(vi)Faithful were required to now kneel on a prayer rug and bow down in daily prayers and worship the ruins of Babel (Babylon) as the original home of “gad” or “god”, praising his name; and
(vii)Devout were required to now wear a knitted woollen skull cap called a “kapi” from the ancient Persian word for “monkey” to identify themselves as servants of “gad” or “god” and especially during prayers and ceremonies; and
(viii) Slaves and bonded workers (boda/bode) do not really possess a soul (Ahu-Man), so they do not reincarnate. Therefore, boda/bode may be lawfully treated as less than domestic/farm animals. Only Hu-Man (human) possess an animal soul and Ba-Man (brahman) who possess a superior spiritual soul reincarnate.
Origin of Talmudic Law
Talmudic Law was created by the Ba'al (the Devil) worshipping Menesheh in the 4th Century in direct response to the creation of Christian Law. Thus under Baba Rabban, the whole of Palestine became the state of Israel and was divided into twelve (12) administrative districts administered by the Head priest of a priestly family of the Menes-Heh as an administrative advisor being:
(i) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Asher under R. Ashi b. Abin; and
(ii) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Benjamin under R. Benjamin b. Jephet; and
(iii) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Dan under R. Daniel b. Kattina; and
(iv) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Ephraim under R. Ephraim b.Papa; and
(v) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Gad under R. Gaddal b. Menashia; and
(vi) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Issachar under R. Isaac b. Samuel; and
(vii) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Judah under R.Judah b. Menasiah; and
(viii) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Levi under R. Levi b. Hama; and
(ix) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Manesseh under R. Menashiah b. Tahalifa; and
(x) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Naphtali under R. Nappaha; and
(xi) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Simeon under R. Simeon b. Lakish; and
(xii) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Zebulun under R. Zebida; and
(xiii) And the 13th Tribe, the tribe of Wolves, the Menes-Heh Tribe of Reuben under R. Papa also known as Baba Rabban.
Unlike the The Septuagint of Christian Law that sought to encourage honor, charity, honesty and peace, the Mishnah of the Menesheh sought to teach their young hatred, mistrust, sociopathy and mental illness to hate themselves and everything else. Thus the claimed pact of the Talmud was with Sabaoth representing the "head demon", whereby the Rabbi would rule the earth with every possible evil and subterfuge, while their deity sought to control heaven.
In the 6th Century King Julianus ben Sabar of Israel ordered the writing of an anti-law against the Codex Justinianus called the Gemara, as the second unholy instalment of the Talmud.
Talmud Eschatology and formal end of Talmud
While the contents of the Talmud have been written and re-written over the centuries, including the forbiddance to speak honestly of its contents, Talmudic Law makes clear the signs of the end times and the end of the blood covenant:
(i) Upon a tribulation of three and half years or twelve hundred and sixty years based in the interpretation of Da'vid scripture; and
(ii) When six (million) have been sacrificed for the covenant as a holocaust being a burnt offering to Moloch, one of the names of the G-d of the Talmud; and
(iii) True and overwhelming Knowledge of the G-d will be revealed; and
(iv) The Law will be restored; and
(v) The Dead shall rise; and
(vi) A messiah will come in accordance to the criteria of prophecy; and
(vii) Israel will be restored and the people permitted to return to the homeland, only after all the other signs have come.
As the Sabbatean and Ashkenazi elite families ensured the formation of the state of Israel in 1948, it is clear that those Magyar descendents who continue to claim ownership and control of the world believe the Talmud ended as a covenant and law through their deliberate and premeditated actions against the Menesheh Diaspora in World War II.
As the state of Israel was formed in 1948, then either (A) legally all aspects of the Talmud have either been fulfilled and the covenant no longer has any effect as a new covenant has been formed, or (B) the Sabbatean and Ashkenazi elite families are the worst criminals of any religious based legal system in the history of all civilizations and the Talmud is still in effect.
Check out: Origin of Khazarian Law
Upon ascending to the throne, BabaRab I abolished the title of Shah as the ancient name of the Emperor of Persia and instead was crowned as “BaalKhan” or “Balkhan” meaning “God-King” and “masya” (messiah) of the Aryans.
BabaRab, also known as “Baba Rabban”, also introduced a range of historic innovations to the religion of Manes to control and eliminate division, including:
(i)A new “secret” language for the scriptures was commissioned known as Ebri (Hebrew) meaning “the path; the crossing (of knowledge)” with all scripture to henceforth be written in Ebri; and
(ii) New scriptures added to the Misdah called Gamara, with gam meaning "step to, come to" and ara meaning "prayer, praise (to gad)"; and
(iii) Summary text called Talmud, with tal meaning "many" and mud meaning "to cry, to groan"; and
(iv)A new priest class known as the Rab and “Rabbi” meaning “master, teacher of gad” were commissioned to translate the scripture from Ebri (Hebrew) to the people; and
(v)Seytan (Satan) was renamed Sabaoth, or “Lord of Hosts” and his name and identity was forbidden to be spoken or revealed, except by the most senior priests. Instead, the common people were to use the ancient Persian word “gadan” or “gad” meaning “one who overpowers, defeats, injures or rapes”; and
(vi)Faithful were required to now kneel on a prayer rug and bow down in daily prayers and worship the ruins of Babel (Babylon) as the original home of “gad” or “god”, praising his name; and
(vii)Devout were required to now wear a knitted woollen skull cap called a “kapi” from the ancient Persian word for “monkey” to identify themselves as servants of “gad” or “god” and especially during prayers and ceremonies; and
(viii) Slaves and bonded workers (boda/bode) do not really possess a soul (Ahu-Man), so they do not reincarnate. Therefore, boda/bode may be lawfully treated as less than domestic/farm animals. Only Hu-Man (human) possess an animal soul and Ba-Man (brahman) who possess a superior spiritual soul reincarnate.
Origin of Talmudic Law
Talmudic Law was created by the Ba'al (the Devil) worshipping Menesheh in the 4th Century in direct response to the creation of Christian Law. Thus under Baba Rabban, the whole of Palestine became the state of Israel and was divided into twelve (12) administrative districts administered by the Head priest of a priestly family of the Menes-Heh as an administrative advisor being:
(i) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Asher under R. Ashi b. Abin; and
(ii) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Benjamin under R. Benjamin b. Jephet; and
(iii) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Dan under R. Daniel b. Kattina; and
(iv) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Ephraim under R. Ephraim b.Papa; and
(v) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Gad under R. Gaddal b. Menashia; and
(vi) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Issachar under R. Isaac b. Samuel; and
(vii) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Judah under R.Judah b. Menasiah; and
(viii) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Levi under R. Levi b. Hama; and
(ix) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Manesseh under R. Menashiah b. Tahalifa; and
(x) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Naphtali under R. Nappaha; and
(xi) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Simeon under R. Simeon b. Lakish; and
(xii) The Menes-Heh Tribe of Zebulun under R. Zebida; and
(xiii) And the 13th Tribe, the tribe of Wolves, the Menes-Heh Tribe of Reuben under R. Papa also known as Baba Rabban.
Unlike the The Septuagint of Christian Law that sought to encourage honor, charity, honesty and peace, the Mishnah of the Menesheh sought to teach their young hatred, mistrust, sociopathy and mental illness to hate themselves and everything else. Thus the claimed pact of the Talmud was with Sabaoth representing the "head demon", whereby the Rabbi would rule the earth with every possible evil and subterfuge, while their deity sought to control heaven.
In the 6th Century King Julianus ben Sabar of Israel ordered the writing of an anti-law against the Codex Justinianus called the Gemara, as the second unholy instalment of the Talmud.
Talmud Eschatology and formal end of Talmud
While the contents of the Talmud have been written and re-written over the centuries, including the forbiddance to speak honestly of its contents, Talmudic Law makes clear the signs of the end times and the end of the blood covenant:
(i) Upon a tribulation of three and half years or twelve hundred and sixty years based in the interpretation of Da'vid scripture; and
(ii) When six (million) have been sacrificed for the covenant as a holocaust being a burnt offering to Moloch, one of the names of the G-d of the Talmud; and
(iii) True and overwhelming Knowledge of the G-d will be revealed; and
(iv) The Law will be restored; and
(v) The Dead shall rise; and
(vi) A messiah will come in accordance to the criteria of prophecy; and
(vii) Israel will be restored and the people permitted to return to the homeland, only after all the other signs have come.
As the Sabbatean and Ashkenazi elite families ensured the formation of the state of Israel in 1948, it is clear that those Magyar descendents who continue to claim ownership and control of the world believe the Talmud ended as a covenant and law through their deliberate and premeditated actions against the Menesheh Diaspora in World War II.
As the state of Israel was formed in 1948, then either (A) legally all aspects of the Talmud have either been fulfilled and the covenant no longer has any effect as a new covenant has been formed, or (B) the Sabbatean and Ashkenazi elite families are the worst criminals of any religious based legal system in the history of all civilizations and the Talmud is still in effect.
Check out: Origin of Khazarian Law
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Colonel Robert Green Ingersoll, The Great Agnostic
Please post this under books as I do not have access. Thanks :)
Let me preface this by saying that this audio book is something that I, rockclimber, found on the internet. It does not represent the views of the other admins of Mami's/Grizzom's site, Mami's shit. It is something I personally want to share with others.
Who is Robert Green Ingersoll?
Robert Green Ingersoll (August 11, 1833 – July 21, 1899) — known as Bob Ingersoll — was a Civil War veteran, American political leader, and orator during the Golden Age of Freethought, noted for his broad range of culture and his defense of agnosticism. He was nicknamed "The Great Agnostic."
Please post this under books as I do not have access. Thanks :)
Let me preface this by saying that this audio book is something that I, rockclimber, found on the internet. It does not represent the views of the other admins of Mami's/Grizzom's site, Mami's shit. It is something I personally want to share with others.
Who is Robert Green Ingersoll?
Robert Green Ingersoll (August 11, 1833 – July 21, 1899) — known as Bob Ingersoll — was a Civil War veteran, American political leader, and orator during the Golden Age of Freethought, noted for his broad range of culture and his defense of agnosticism. He was nicknamed "The Great Agnostic."
- Colonel
Robert Green Ingersoll (1833–1899) was a Civil War veteran, American
political leader and orator during the Golden Age of Freethought, noted
for his defense of atheism. This audio book is the first of two volumes
collecting Ingersoll's speeches.
01 Gods, Part 1 of 2
02 Gods, Part 2 of 2
03 Ghosts, Part 1 of 2
04 Ghosts, Part 2 of 2
05 Hell, Part 1 of 2
06 Hell, Part 2 of 2
07 Individuality
08 Humboldt
09 Which Way
10 The Great Infidels
11 Talmagian Theology
12 At the Graveside
13 Mistakes of Moses
14 Skulls, Part 1 of 2
15 Skulls, Part 2 of 2
16 Response to his Critics
17 New Departure, Part 1 of 2
18 New Departure, Part 2 of 2
Lectures of Col. R.G. Ingersoll, Volume 2 (August 17, 2009)
01 - Thomas Paine, Part 1
02 - Thomas Paine, Part 2
03 - Liberty of Man, Woman and Child, Part 1
04 - Liberty of Man, Woman and Child, Part 2
05 - Orthodoxy, Part 1
06 - Orthodoxy, Part 2
07 - Blasphemy
08 - Some Reasons Why
09 - Intellectual Development, Part 1
10 - Intellectual Development, Part 2
11 - Human Rights
12 - Talmagian Theology, 2 & 3
13 - Religious Intolerance
14 - Hereafter
15 - Review of His Reviewers
16 - How the Gods Grow
17 - Religion of our Day
18 - Heretics and Heresies, Part 1
19 - Heretics and Heresies, Part 2
20 - The Bible
21 - Voltaire, Part 1
22 - Voltaire, Part 2
23 - Myth & Miracles
24 - The Chinese God
25 - Is Suicide a Sin?
26 - The Right To One's Life
- April 23, 2013 at 8:25 AM
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
The Sadducees

Throughout the Bible they are variously depicted as wicked and evil.
They are depicted as being the wealthy ruling families who controlled the High Priesthood during the time of Jesus. And therefore, they are variously “the Jews” referred to in venomous tone throughout the gospels as being responsible for his execution.
Their name in Hebrew was tsedduqim, a name they chose to indicate that they claimed to followers of the teachings of the High Priest Zadok, who anointed Solomon king during the First Temple era.
However, Rabbinic (Pharisee) tradition suggests that they were not named after the High Priest Zadok, but rather another Zadok (who may still have been a priest), who rebelled against the teachings of Antigonus of Soko, a government official of Judea in the 3rd century BCE and a predecessor of the Rabbinic tradition.
Yet the Sadducees were famous for denying the salvation of the human soul, in their obsession in the pleasures of life, power and sex and in black magic.
As a result, many scholars believe the claim of the Sadducees being followers of Zadok are false and refer to their following “some other” teacher who falsely claimed themselves to be a Zadok.
But if this is not controversial enough, the Sadducees, like the Essenes are reputed to have considered the Bible largely a Persian fabrication, a myth sold to “the sheep”.
For in the eyes of the elite Sadduceean families, their Jewish subjects were mere sheep, like any other animals to be owned, controlled and compliant.
Sadducees rejected the existence of an afterlife, thus denied the Pharisaic doctrine of the Resurrection of the Dead.
The Sadducees were pro-Greek, aristocratic priests, whose interests were centered in the temple and the cultic rites. Their name was probably derived from Zadok, the famous priest of the time of David and Solomon (II Sam. 8:17;. 15:24; I Kings 1:34).
Because the offices of high priest and governor were combined, the Sadducees tended to be deeply involved in high-level politics. Politically, they were committed to independence and to the concept of the theocratic state, as were most Jews.
Although they were opposed to foreign domination, they did not object to the introduction of foreign elements into Jewish life. Like the Pharisees, they stressed the importance of observance of the Torah, but they rejected the authority of oral tradition.
When confronted by situations not covered in the Torah, they enacted new laws. They rejected the Pharisaic doctrine of a resurrection and a future life and held to the older Jewish belief in Sheol. Nor did they accept the belief in angels.
Then, there is the enigmatic situation that the bloodlines of the ancient kings of Israel are by definition Sadducees. That in coming from the “line of David”, the father of Jesus was a crown prince and therefore an elder of the Sadducees.
However, the only historical evidence of the bloodline of the line of David surviving the massacre by the Persians around 590's ending the reign of Zedekiah, is in Princess Tamar's rescue by Jeremiah along with Baruch and the Stone of Destiny, the Ark of Akhenaten and the standard colors of the Lion of Judah to the ancient home of kings, Ireland.
It means if Jesus was truly of the royal bloodline of the House of David, then his family must have come from the descendents of Ireland, not some poor village in the Middle East. It also means, his father would have to had been a crown prince and carry a clearly identifiable title like Ha Rama Theo (His Divine Highness).
Yet another story appeared much later around 100 to 50 BCE claiming a second royal bloodline of King Zedekiah magically "escaped" from the Persians under the directorship of a mythical figure called Ishmael. Even though the story has no historic credibility, it remains preferred over the numerous provable elements concerning the survival of the Line of David and Ireland.
Then there are the confusion claims by the successors to the Pharisees, the Rabbinical Jews who claim the Sadducees were merely a group formed around the 2nd Century BCE. Controversially, this point is supported by Christian scholars without much contest.
Finally, there is the seeming complete absence, willing acknowledgment of the black magic pedigree of the Sadducees. Their religious “wickedness” is reduced to absurd trivial events, such as spilling water the wrong way, as if sneezing accidentally was a cause to go to war.
Unfortunately for most Christians and Jews today, this line of antagonism between the sects being based on pedantry, on matters of a supremely superficial nature is what most believe.
Few people can even make the direct and logical connection between black magic, the symbols of Solomon and David in satanic worship and the Sadducees.
Why? Why are these facts hushed up and never spoken? What is so terrible that two religions have worked long and hard together to reduce as much history as possible from public view, even when the Bible is littered with clues?
----- The Mother Goddess -----
It is well recognized historical record that in 722 BCE, the Assyrians, under Shalmaneser, and then under Sargon, conquered Israel (the northern Kingdom), destroyed its capital Samaria, and sent many of the Israelites into exile and captivity.
What is less well known is that the Israelites themselves, being descendents of Ugarit and of Ebla were themselves closely related to the royal and priest families of the old Assyrian kingdoms and the most ancient priests of history, the Priest Kings, the "feara cuileann" (Holy Ones) of Ireland.
In the days of the great patriarchs of the first western civilizations, the great cities of Ebla and Mari were arch enemies. Mari was an ancient city in Syria situated at the modern locality of Tell Hariri, on the western bank of Euphrates river, some 120 km southeast of Dayr az-Zawr, Syria.
The Eblates were followers of El, were dedicated to knowledge, to wider cosmology and abhorred animal and human sacrifices.
In contrast, the followers of Mari worshipped Dagan the God of life, storms and fertility and Ishtar, The Queen of the Heavens and goddess of love, power.
When the Marites conquered and populated Ebla and later Ugarit, they established these gods who later came to be known as Baal and Ashtar (Baachus and Aphrodyte for the Greeks/Romans).
Both at the excavations of Ugarit and Mari, as well as other ruins of temples to these prototype gods, there is evidence that terrible rituals of mass sexual and wine orgies accompanied by human sacrifice were practiced.
This might account for the disgust of the priest king lines of Pharaoh Akhenaten (“Moses”) towards the worship of Baal, given such worship would have certainly involved these debasing fertility/power rituals.
The word evil comes from the modification of the word ubil, itself a derivation of Baal. Similarly, the word Satan, Hebrew for adversary is a derivation of the ancient god Dagan the prototype of the same god Baal.
The history of the connection of Ireland, Ibbi-Éri “Land of Ibbi” later called Ibiru, Habiru, Iberni, Hiberni and Ériu is virtually non-existent. Thanks to countless waves of systematic Christian destruction very little of the pre-christian culture of Ireland has survived .
Yet circumstantial evidence still abounds to suggest that Ireland, not Jerusalem was the spiritual home of the most ancient of "hebrew" Sadduccee bloodlines.
This is consistent with the strong evidence to suggest that the Sadducee descendents of the priest-kings were at war with themselves between much older bloodlines and higher worship and "pretenders" from Syria and the practice of wicked secret rituals.
The Song of Songs and other texts attributed to Solomon show clear signs of worship of Ashtoreth (Goddess of Love, War and Power) including references to maidens of the temple. It can be fairly certain then that with such references were accompanied the ancient rituals of wine fuelled temple orgies and human sacrifice.
The Akkadians themselves worshipped Ishtar and probably child/human sacrifice and the same ceremonies.
Given these connections, it is more likely that the Israelite leaders who were practitioners of the secret rituals of Baal and human sacrifice, black magic and orgies remained in positions of authority, while those opposed to such practices were either killed, taken prisoner or exiled.
What is clear from both the historic timelines, cultural interaction and carefully crafted references in various religious texts, a large number of the ruling class of Sadducees even up to the time of Jesus were still practicing the ancient fertility rituals of sexual orgies, wine consumption and human sacrifice in and around religious venues.
Biblical references have been significantly altered so that it is virtually impossible to determine precisely whether some passages are referring to such practices, but evidence surrounding even the Maccabeans themselves intimate that such rituals may have even been reintroduced as late as 140 BCE.
For most people today, such practices are supposed to be more associated with corrupt Roman Emperors. In truth, this is a deliberate Christian myth as most Roman leaders prior to the advent of Christianity were strict adherents to a personal philosophy of stoicism and self-restraint, respect, tolerance and love of life.
An excellent example of this philosophy is the writings of Emperor Marcus Aurelius who considered Christians the epitome of evil. It was this inner strength and discipline that enabled the Romans to maintain such a diverse Empire for a thousand years.
In parallel, there is strong evidence of the secret mystery cults of Bacchus (modification of the name Baal) thrived amongst the elite of Greek and Roman cities and there are many historic references deploring their ceremonies, while careful never to be too explicit as to just how awful they were.
In contrast, it is clear that the Pharisee, the creators of the Old Testament as we see it today, considered these practices to be the epitome of evil. Indeed, such practices are literally the root of the meaning of the word evil. It is not surprising then that Rabbinical Judaism was methodical in attempting to detach itself from such practices.
However, even up to the Middle Ages, mythology still persisted about “wicked acts” that “Jews” would do to small children if they were ever caught, culminating in the fairy tale of the witch in the enchanted forest.
Such references indicate that secret worship of Baal/Satan and the Mother Goddess Cybele including sexual orgies, drug consumption and human sacrifice must have persisted to some degree.
Why? Why are these facts hushed up and never spoken? What is so terrible that two religions have worked long and hard together to reduce as much history as possible from public view, even when the Bible is littered with clues?
----- Human sacrifice and cannibalism -----
We are taught that even as recent as 5,000 years ago, human beings living in Western Europe were trying to continue their traditional "hunter gatherer" lifestyle developed during the Ice Age as less and less big animals were around. People lived in small groups and through necessity started to learn how to farm and eventually domesticated animals.
It all makes sense until you encounter Neolithic monuments like Stonehenge in Salisbury England and NewGrange Temple of the Brú na Bóinne complex in the valley of the River Boyne in County Meath, Ireland.
In terms of NewGrange, it is estimated the Temple mound dates to at least 2900 years BCE, or over 5,000 years old. In terms of Stonehenge, the original site is at least 8,000 years old with the main parts of the great stone circle dating from 2600 BCE to 2100 BCE.
But what is even astonishing is the number of person years it would have taken to create, let alone the numerous Neolithic sacred sites. NewGrange itself is estimated to have involved between 6,000 and 10,000 person years, while Stonehenge is estimated to have involved at least three times that amount of human horsepower.
Now, ordinarily if you were talking about established river delta agriculture societies such as Mesopotamia, Northern Syria or Egypt at this time, then enough people existed to conceive of such potential workforces. But in Ireland, the total population 5,000 years ago was estimated to be no more than 10,000 to 20,000 meaning virtually every person would conceivably have had to work most of the year for many years on these ancient monuments. It doesn't add up.
The end of the last great Ice Age happened slowly and at different rates across the globe. 8,000 years to 6,000 years ago, the whole of the Middle East, Northern Africa and South Eastern Europe were fertile lands, rich river deltas offering reliable water flows and an abundance of food. In contrast, Northern Europe still remained covered in snow and ice for much of the year, while the ice bridges between Ireland to Britain and Britain to France finally fell under the rising seas.
Then, from around 6,000 years ago the climate change for the hunter gatherer tribes of Northern Europe began to accelerate rapidly. The great herds of animals began to die off. For the populations of humans cut off living on Ireland and Britain, the change was even faster.
These were tribes who lived in small nomadic communities, chasing the animals. They had no real need for great numbers of possessions. They lived and hunted by the cycle of the moon. They were certainly not farmers.
Nowhere else in Northern Europe than in Ireland did the dramatic changes of life and death, the old ways and the struggle for survival play out as greatly. Ireland was the test bed of what was to potentially become the destiny of all of Northern Europe.
In the case of Ireland, a land, once connected to Britain that supported a nomadic hunter gatherer population of up to 30,000 around 6,000 years ago suddenly and quickly ran out of animals and even small animals.
Inevitably starvation, war, and cannibalism became rife. Within a few short years, the population had plummeted to less than 10,000 and life had become short, brutal and uncertain.
Facing starvation, the ancient former hunter gatherer tribes of Ireland ate anything they could find. This included many herbs, shrubs and trees that had halluciogenic "magical" properties.
The Holly Tree (cuilieann) is of particular importance. For not only did its mildly poisonous berries and leaves become a powerful source for magical dreams and deep spiritual insight, it also became quickly associated with one particular class of people, or "holy" people.
These early magicians, the first druids of humanity, the cuilieann, were able to rise above the hell and crisis of death and unite the dying people of Ireland. They became the world's first
In our world today, anything that expands your mind has been made largely illegal. In part, because unaided, such substances can cause psychotic episodes but in most cases, it allows people to pull themselves out to see the world more clearly- a very dangerous thing to do in our well organized society.
But to Neolithic man, with no civilization, with but a deep history of season and cycle, the wild dreams brought on by these natural substances was a much needed revelation. It sparked a deeper quest of understanding. It gave birth to religion.
The Holly Tree became a living symbol of their power and their magic. And it became forbidden for any person to touch their sacred plants under penalty of death. They became the "Divine Holy Ones", the “Divine Holly Spirits”.
Contrary to the narrow minded and ill-informed histories thrown at us today, getting off the Island and finding other sources of food and trade became a matter of life and death for the small Irish population.
Put another way- if the Irish were the savage barbarians that even the most educated History books claim, then they would have all died of starvation, war and cannibalism at least by 4,000 BCE making NewGrange and all the other monuments impossible.
It should be obvious from the history of the Irish that they have never been the world's greatest farmers, nor were they over 6,000 years ago. But necessity forced this small band of people to unite and to take risks and the Priest Kings, the Feara Cualaan, the Holy Men gave them strength in a new model and cosmos of religion.
Next door in Britain, conditions were starting to become as bad as Ireland, yet without any clear leadership. The British tribes, desperate to appease the old gods of nature undertook regular human sacrifice as well as active cannibalism.
The Irish explorers on primitive rafts pushed further East until they reached Spain. It was at Spain then that the Irish discovered other tribes, animals and future trade partners.
But what could the Irish first offer as trade in exchange for food?
Unlike our materialistic world, Neolithic man had no time for great personal possessions. Life was the seasons, the herds, the tribe, the travel from place to place.
So to the very first priest kings and the united Neolithic Irish under the first religious beliefs of the world, they couldn't very well trade pots and pans for food. Instead, they possessed something infinitely more powerful than all the gold in the world- spiritual wisdom.
Even today, when you read ancient translated texts that talk of treasure, our minds instantly think of material wealth, for this is what we crave above all other things. But to the neolithic tribes that the Irish first encountered, their spiritual wisdom and concept of organized society was a gift from gods- a saving from the rapidly degrading world during the end of the former life of the hunter gatherers.
Religion, spiritual wisdom was the first export of Ireland and it not only saved the Irish, it saved the Neolithic world. Instead of wisdom coming to Ireland, it was the Irish that exported wisdom to the rest of the world, over 6,000 years ago.
Historians in their infinite wisdom place the gold rush of Ireland (if they ever mention it) around 2,000 BCE or later. The basis of these assumptions is at best tenuous and usually driven by underlying prejudice and poor forensic skills.
While the now united Irish colony had given birth to civilization beyond their shores, they still needed to survive. They needed to trade something of continued value in order to obtain food. What they discovered was a fascination by other tribes in the power of gold as a symbol of religious worship, given its association to the first priests, the bloodline of druids.
Many people would not know this but the earliest gold artifacts of Europe are Irish. It was the Irish craftsmen that first fashioned gold objects and these objects have been found throughout Europe.
For the ancient civilizations of Southern Europe, life and death struggle to find any edible food was less a concern. In those days, Spain was a fertile land full of fruits, plants and animals.
In reporting back to the Druid Priest Kings, the Feara Cualaan (the ancestors of the Cuilleain) ordered the population to develop crafts and skills at mining the gold and fashioning objects with which to trade for food.
The decision not to attempt large farming, but to trade paid off. The Irish survived through trade and not only thrived but rapidly began to develop a sophisticated society, language and cosmology. By about 3300 BCE the population had grown back to around 15,000 along with slaves captured from Britain and brought back to work the mines.
It also gave the Druid Priest Kings time to develop their emerging religion and to plan the evolution of their culture. With such social cohesion, plenty of food and wealth, the Druid Kings, the Feara Cualaan commissioned great tombs and even commissioned a massive sacred temple (NewGrange). But their greatest feat was still to come.
Around 8000 BCE 6000 BCE, there were probably more than 100,000 to 140,000 hunter gatherer people still living in Britain before the land bridge finally sank under the rising seas. But by about 3300 BCE, the population had plummeted to less than 30,000 through starvation, war, cannibalism and human sacrifice.
The Britains had gone through some similar challenges as the Irish, although in a less dramatic and slower pace, including the creation of new collective religious practices, to try and appease the gods of nature.
Stonehenge, north of Salisbury had become one of the major centres of this new religion, based around human sacrifice, cannibalism and frenzy. To the Druid Priest Kings, the time was approaching to come to Britain and save the soul of the population.
The Irish weapons were made of the natural bronze that existed in the central and southern regions of Ireland. In contrast the Britains still used stone head spears, no match for bronze.
Bronze is any alloy that is 85-95% copper, with the other 5-15% made up of mainly of tin or arsenic, though other metals can be present in small amounts. It turns out that this range of chemistry produces an alloy that is harder than copper even though it melts at a lower temperature.
As the wealth of the Irish through trade increased, they invaded around 3200 BCE to 3100 BCE and immediately set about ending the cult of human sacrifice and cannibalism.
At the sites of ancient human sacrifice they destroyed the old rings and structures and set about building new ones to both the Sun and the Moon. The most important was Stonehenge at the centre of Britain- its earth navel.
But it wasn't until the second minerals rush of Ireland, the great boom of natural Bronze that the Druid Priest Kings, the Holy Ones had enough food, resources and wealth to fund one of the most ambitious engineering feat of ancient European history - the stone circles of Stonehenge.
How do you try and stop a culture of great superstition and pessimism that sees human sacrifice, cannibalism, murder and rape as acceptable and part of the new cycle of life and death for former hunter gatherers?
Firstly, as a willing workforce as miners they could double even quadruple the production capacity of both British mines and Irish mines under the guidance of the Druid Priest Kings thus enabling an increased trade in food and goods. In turn food and goods meant less pressure on scavenging, starvation and poor subsistence farming. In turn the people could also be put to work on massive works of social importance, such as Stonehenge.
The plan was both simple and brilliant and within a few years it both stabilized the population of Britain in the South so that a massive workforce of over 20,000 was available to commence the construction of Stonehenge.
Apart from the political and social purpose of Stonehenge, which was and still is its lasting legacy (for it remains one of the proudest monuments of English/Irish hertage), it was also a fully functioning solar and lunar calendar.
Contrary, to some poor historical claims, it was never a temple for human sacrifice, although in defiance and contempt for the religion and spirit of the Priest Kings (the Cuilleain), people have been sacrificed there from time to time over the ages. Instead, it was a lasting monument to a new covenant between the gods of nature and the universe and the people of Britain
The second purpose for Stonehenge, beyond politics and social change was to build a fully functioning astrological calendar, with particular precision at solar and lunar events. In recent years, there has been a concerted "backlash" from Western christian historians against this theory, for fear of its implication.
That the Holy Ones did possess accurate and considered knowledge of the heavens and that they did create precise stone observatories for these events.
The third purpose for Stonehenge coincides with the second major purpose (astrological) and relates to visual impact. Human beings are literal animals. Bright lights, big structures and other visual phenomena have always fascinated us. To the ancient Britons there was simply no other more visually graphic demonstration of the Divine power of the Cualaan, the Merlins than witnessing at the heelstone, the rays of the Sun and Moon at different periods illuminating this grand edifice.
It is the whole purpose of the heelstone. The visual effects only work from certain angles. It also provided a massive marker between where the people could go no further and the sacred temple interior.
Even today, millions of people each year still flock to view the Stonehenge in awe. Imagine then for a former human sacrificer witnessing at the heelstone the visual show of light. It is why the druid religion survived for so long in Britain.
While many historians like to claim one or another culture as the first, the honor of the first Priest Kings, the first magicians, the first wizards, the first Holy Ones goes to the Cualaan of Ireland, who saved their people from certain death by harnessing the power of drug induced visions from the Holly Tree and in the process created the first true wisdom religion on planet Earth.
The history then of the denigration of the memory of the druids, the terrible lies claiming it to be a new religion mimic the terrible destruction and lies associated with the history of Ireland itself and the lingering effect of war with those who seek to perpetuate human sacrifice and darkness.
For what was unleashed over 8,000 years ago was a war- a war between good and evil amongst human beings- a war between people dedicated to seeking enlightenment and helping fellow human beings and those obsessed in sacrifice, in blood rituals and controlling power and knowledge.
This war continues today.
----- The short path and long path -----
One of the great problems that modern individuals have concerning satanic rituals and such evil as mass orgies and human sacrifice followed by blood drinking and cannibalism is how rational people, let alone individuals who claim to be spiritual leaders could even be involved in such evil?
The answer, like the very existence of satanic rituals may shock many. For in human history it has always been known by the ancient mystics that but two paths to spiritual enlightenment and divine inspiration exist- the “short” path and the “long” path.
The long path is the journey we most often associated with great and holy people, it is the path of self denial, of long struggle, of self discipline, of constant prayer, of compassion and elimination of all thought and action that may harm or seek to harm others.
This is also the journey, we typically associate with the saint, and/or the holy mystic such as the Buddha.
Then there is the short path. The short path has nothing to do with self denial, with self restraint or with respect of others or even prayer.
It is the absolute focus of power, of control, of unleashed pleasure and ultimately the physiological ecstasy of ritually killing another living thing and consuming its life force. For at that moment, it is as if such participants can see, touch and understand the divine wisdom of the cosmos, the meaning of our lives, the inspiration of the gods themselves.
Of course to people who have never participated in such barabaric acts of evil, the notion that in doing evil a person may find the divine inspiration of God is both profoundly disturbing and seemingly absurd. For surely the universe could not be so twisted as to allow such a “short” path to exist!
Yet it does exist and it is one of the reasons why many participants and practitioners of such evil were and are still so addicted to it and enamoured by it. For it as if a secret passage, a fast track method of divine inspiration exists by participating in doing the very things that all spiritually aligned texts, preachers and religions have condemned for millennia.
How could this be? Surely this is a terrible falsehood? If only it was, the world would be a simpler place. But for some reason the human condition is unique. We are a living contradiction- in one sense capable of such beauty and spirit and in another of great evil and wickedness and yet another as a mere animal.
Again the ancient practitioners of black magic from Syria and Palestine, the forefathers of the Israelites and the ancient ancestors in Ugarit had a much clearer cosmology of the human history that most “spiritual” theologies.
For they understood our birth to be one of enslavement to higher living beings themselves banished to Earth for their wickedness. They are our real fathers and mothers and even I their death as arch-demons the Satanists believed them to be the only practical gods.
For they believed the human race was cursed by these evil alien lifeforms, these arch demon spirits who infused their own evil upon our pure and divine spiritual soul thereby creating a cosmological paradox, a prison of mind from which we might never escape.
Every time then that a human being seeks to reach great divine enlightenment, this false spirit, this counterfeit soul will mask and deceive. The harder one tries, the greater this counterfeit spirit prevails.
Today, we know this counterfeit spirit as ego, but to the very ancients, this mask of deeper spiritual enlightenment was seen as a direct curse from the gods. To the Satanists then, it was all the more a sign of the futility in fighting against the nature of our creators.
The Satanists upon understanding the power of the “short” path to spiritual enlightenment saw this seeming miraculous avenue for divine inspiration as further reinforcement of the desire of the gods that their blood sacrifices should continue.
Yet as time has progressed, these deeper understandings even amongst the oldest and most powerful Satanists still functioning across the planet have been lost. Instead, the rituals have become more concerning the pleasure and power associated with them.
But to the Sadducees who performed in such rituals, the ancient mystical understandings were still present.
However since then, these secret rituals of satanic worship, of murder and cannibalism have not lost their power. For under the guise of duplicity- of appearing outwardly holy, but inwardly evil, these rituals have become supremely powerful events for ensuring absolute loyalty amongst people who have been introduced.
The power of the deception itself in performing these rituals has become just as attractive to those who still perform such acts, regardless of their lack of knowledge of the "short" path, or the deeper meaning of what they perform.
Given that few of the wealthy and powerful men thousands of years ago would ever consider the Essene “long” path of self denial and struggle, their ancient understanding of their forefathers “short” path would have been overwhelmingly attractive.
To a lesser extent, the world is suffering from the same “short” path to pleasure addiction that the Satanists have always had- an addiction to the spiritual buzz that comes from complete selfishness, drug consumption and poor behaviour.
----- Jeremiah and the Persians -----
Two of the greatest religious figures of Judaism are Jeremiah and Baruch.
Unlike many of the people mentioned before them in the Old Testament, we know with certainty that they were real people having been released by the Babylonians and charged with some kind of official duties with some kind of time limit around the end of the 7th Century BCE.
We also know that a number of other people were also handed to his charge, including a man by the name of Baruch son of Neriah who was the scribe to the prophet Jeremiah. Baruch's full name must have been Berekhyahu. He was the son of Hilkiah, a priest of Anathoth.
What is not well known, nor clear from the Bible itself is that Jeremiah clearly lived under the reign of one of the wisest of ancient kings- Nebuchadnezzar. In fact, the Bible is positively schizophrenic in its dealings with the Persians.
On the one hand they are despised as an evil race and cursed by the Jews, and yet on the other hand they fully funded the restoration of the temple and also seemed to have given great authority and funding to Jeremiah and later to the authority of Nehemiah and Ezra on some religious task to curb evil practices.
Jeremiah’s writings are collected in the Book of Jeremiah and, according to tradition, the Book of Lamentations. Jeremiah is also famous as "the broken-hearted prophet" (who wrote or dictated a "broken book", which has been difficult for scholars to put into chronological order), whose heart-rending life, and true prophecies of dire warning went largely-unheeded by the people of Judah. God told Jeremiah, "You will go to them; but for their part, they will not listen to you".
What is even less well understood is that three of the books of the Bible that we now call the Torah, or the five Books of Moses only really appear in reference to the time of Jeremiah.
In fact it appears around the end of the 7th Century that he was sent on a mission with these books already produced!
Now given the Pharisees are positively fanatical about claiming the antiquity of the Bible and the authenticity of the stories as being historical fact, it makes sense why they claimed, as their descendents, the Rabbinical Jews do today that they are the oldest sect and the Sadducees were younger.
For if Jeremiah and Baruch are the architects of the Five Books of Moses and not Moses. Indeed, if these books are more a set of parables designed to curb evil behaviour and less about historical fact, then the claims by the Pharisees and even by the Paul of Tarsas who founded Christianity are terrible lies.
The Pharisees, from which the Rabbinical school and modern Judaism sprung has spent two millennia painting the Pharisees as the oldest of the classic three sects (Essenes, Sadducees and Pharisees).
To protect their scholars and the sacred texts they constructed around 610 BCE to 410 BCE, they are at pains to depict the Pharisee movement as the oldest of the three, therefore rendering any clear understanding of the motives and/or historic fact of Sadducean and Essene criticisms of Pharisees as having any validity.
The truth is the opposite. The Pharisees are by far the youngest of the three sects, but the most zealous in safeguarding its history, even at the expense of constant re-writing of history and elimination of contrary evidence.
Why then did Jeremiah and the Persian King feel it necessary to create a new religion based on the historic stories of the Israelites from Ugarit and Ebla combined with Zoroastrianism? What terrible secret has been hidden from history from all these years? What happened to Jeremiah and Baruch?
There are two stories- one fable like that is considered largely myth and one which includes historical artefacts still viewable today and with an actual tomb of Jeremiah.
The first, the myth says that upon the execution of all the ancient royal family (excluding those that magically escaped under "Ishmael", the Jews stoned Jeremiah to death.
The other, a rich and detailed set of accounts state that upon seeing the barabarity of the Persians in systematically executing the Royal family and nobles did "take" a royal princess away from the Persian guards and spirit her to the ancestral home of ancient Kings in Ireland.
Prophet Jeremiah along with Princess Tamar, Baruch (the editor of the first Old Testament), boarded a ship belonging to the Iberian Danaan at the Port of Baal-Boaz (now Bilboa), along with a massive, strongly-secured and mysterious Chest or Case, which they regarded with the utmost reverence and guarded with jealous care, a Golden-colored Flag or Banner, having blazoned upon it the device of the Red Lion of Jerusalem, and a large rough Stone.
In or about the year 593-592 B.C. (some four years after the Destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar), they arrived at the Port in the North-East of Ireland, now known as Carrickfergus.
At the time Eochaid Heremon ("Heremon," or Head King of Ireland), son of Ailill Finn, from the line of Firbolgs and therefore the Ui Cualann of the South, the Holy Ones and traditional divine kings of Ireland, was a legendary High King of Ireland. He became king when his father was killed by Airgeatmhar and his ally, Duach Ladhgrach.
Jeremiah presented the last of the bloodline of the Kings of Judah in the form of Princess Tamar including the Stone of Destiny, the stone upon which all the kings of Jerusalem had been anointed, the Ark of Akhenaten (Moses), the royal harp of Kings and their dynastic symbol as well as the royal colours of the ancient Jerusalem lion.
To King Eochaid of the Ui Cualann, the gifts themselves, let alone the gift of yet another royal bloodline was a momentous and historic event. However, the Prophet Jeremiah did not release them until the King swore to rid Ireland of the ancestral practices taken from the time of the Ugarit exiles of worship to Baal (Satan), of human sacrifice, cannibalism and the worship of blood.
King Eochaid agreed in a historic act and renamed the capital Ath Cliath i Cualu to Tara “Torah” which means Hill of Law.
Furthermore he instituted a more regular form of government, promulgated just laws and statutes fixed and regulated the feasts according to Prophet Jeremiah’s instructions, and founded schools; thus laying the foundations of that collegiate and advanced educational system known to have existed in Ireland long into the Christian era.
The rough, square Stone, brought with the Princess, also played an important part in the marriage ceremony, for the royal couple of King Eochaid and Princess Tamar were united before this "Stone of Destiny" as a silent witness of their solemn union; and they were subsequently crowned upon it.
The impact of Jeremiah in uniting Ireland was never forgotten and upon his death he was venerated as Irelands first “saint” buried on Devenish Island, the "Holy Isle" in the Lower Lough Erne, two miles from Enniskillen upon which no private house was ever permitted, then or since. You can still see the ruins of an ancient Priory and a still older Abbey - in the latter of which the sarcophagus of Jeremiah the Prophet may still be seen.
----- Nehemiah and loss of power -----
How do you stop people who worship Dagon and Cybele as Satan and Astarte and sacrifice women and children?
The Persians like all educated races that respect the value of truth and despise duplicity and hidden evil behaviour, they despised the ancient behaviours of human sacrifice.
While the wicked ways of the Akkadians had been defeated, the Israelites remained stubbornly fixated in their adherence to blood sacrifice and Satanism.
The Persians, the ancestors of the Iranians were also people who could be ruthless and there can be no doubt that wise King Nebuchadnezzar would have contemplated the complete genocide of the Jews as one “final solution” to the problem of such evil practices.
In contrast, he chose a carrot and the stick approach by sending Jeremiah with scribes and an elite escort accompanied by a brand new set of religious texts called the Books of Moses, the Torah to try and convince the Jews to end their evil ways.
The challenge for Jeremiah in trying to save the Jews at the time of his evangelism is not entirely clear until you fully appreciate the level of evil that was in full swing in Jerusalem and throughout the province.
The ancient worship of Baal aka Dagon aka Satan was in full operation, with Temple orgies, drug and wine fuelled rituals in which people were sacrificed and their blood and flesh eaten.
The Temple priests with their mitre hats, celibate eunichs overseeing wickedness and frenzy.
It is so abhorrent to consider that such activities were so openly practices with almost daily frequency around 620 BCE that for many historians and scholars, it simply is easier to reject such notions out of hand.
And yet, littered throughout the works of Jeremiah and his scribe are frequent albeit political desensitized references to exactly what was going on. In several locations of his scripture we still have listed references that directly speak of false idol worship and human sacrifice.
Of course, to Biblical scholars, these are subjects that are completely taboo and off limits for discussion. The reason is simply this 620 BCE is an extremely recent time frame. When you consider that the Greek were writing about higher society, when Pythagorus and the ancient philosophers were writing, here are the Jews sacrificing their own first born children and other poor souls while engaging in wild orgies re-dedicated to Satan.
There is no way of avoiding it. It is written as clearly as anything is written in the Bible. So the only way to address the issue is to not address it, refuse to acknowledge it and preferably find a way to change the subject.
But back to Jeremiah, his challenge was enormous. For in considering the pedigree of these rituals of human sacrifice and cannibalism, they represented not recent innovations, or event the adoption of the practices of former conquerors but the very first rituals of the people of Ugarit, the people of YHWH, the Israelites.
His solution, presumably discussed and planned by his former captives the Babylonians was brilliant- to effectively re-write the history of the Israelites, thus eliminating the history of Ugarit, of satan worship as the State religion and re-interpret through stories why such practice is no longer acceptable to God.
The Babylonians had long overcome their ancient traditions of human sacrifice through embracing Zoroastrianism, a combination of Essene inspired universal monotheism with re-interpreted fertility rituals.
No longer did good followers sacrifice people, but small animals to their gods. No longer did they drink the blood of their victims and their flesh, but drank ceremonial wine and bread.
It is certain that the Babylonian intellectuals as other intellectuals around the ancient world considered such open and rampant practices an abhoration and supremely evil.
The re-interpretation of history was a brilliant idea that drew upon the general history of the ancient Ebla and Ugarit and the mixed values, including the story of Akhenaten now as Moses and was extremely well written.
In re-reading Genesis and Exodus in light of trying to end the practice of Satan worship and human sacrifice of the Israelites, and considering the existence of Zoroastrianism at the time (620 BCE) the example of God calling on Abraham not to sacrifice his first born, but use an animal is a wonderful parable, with real theological merit.
For most people today who are totally unaware of the parallel hidden stream of Satanism that even exists unto this day, the story of Abraham being called to sacrifice his first born son Isaac makes no sense, if God is a loving god. Indeed, the story remains to modern Christians totally unaware of the past a section that causes great anguish in their faith.
Nor do the phrases in the Old Testament concerning God being a “jealous God” make any sense unless you are seeking to change the behaviour of an elite priesthood and wealthy upper class addicted to the power and pleasure of such wicked practices.
Sadly, the Bible and history both tell us that he was unsuccessful in his endeavours to persuade by prophecy and in the end, the Babylonians followed up in force and slew all the evil and wicked Israelite satan worshippers they could find.
The story has been modified now so that the motives of the Babylonians, the relationship between Jeremiah as their emissary of impending doom and even his life after the destruction of Jerusalem are all mixed around. Yet there is sufficient thread of truth there so that it can be seen for what it was.
While the Essenes in later years were bitter that such mythical stories had become belief and truth, they were not written for an evil cause, but in an attempt to defeat evil.
It would take the full force of the Persian Army along with a pre-packaged liturgy called the Babylonian Talmud two hundred years through Nehemiah and Ezra to finally establish a quasi-noble religion of the Jews.
When the Jeremiah mission failed, King Nebuchadnezzar did what any enlightened person would be expected to do, he destroyed the Temple of Satan, killed the wicked priests and banished the survivors to slavery around the Persian Empire.
----- The arch-enemy of the Sadducees -----
The traditional arch enemies of the Sadducees were the true priest-king lines of the Essenes, dating back to the great exodus of Ugarit from 1240 BCE and even further back to the exodus from Ebla around 2230 BCE.
Because at the time of the Assyrian invasion most of the priest families fled to Egypt and created the Great Temple of Elephantine Island in Egypt, the Sadducees remained bitter to being left to the cruelty and clutches of the Assyrians.
Once Jeremiah and Baruch had created a new mythology around the concept of Moses, they had their own theology to contest against the historical evidence and longevity of the Essenes.
However, it wasn’t until the time of Nehemiah that the Essenes were forced to comply to new rituals such as Passover. Again they rejected such impositions as lies and Nehemiah orchestrated the destruction of the longest serving temple to god.
Another vitally important fact that is deliberately hidden in history is the long and ancient pedigree of the Sadducees. They are the descendents of the fabulously wealthy and well connected traders known as the Phoenicians.
Their spiritual home might have now been Jerusalem as well as Syria, but these people were the first truly international club of extreme conspicuous consumption. They built themselves expensive summer and winter palaces. They imported food and wines and precious products from all around the world and they lived life as if there was no tomorrow.
Apart from being the first global elite mass consumers and apart from inventing the mindset of complete selfish mass consumption that we see flourishing today, they should also be credited with the most brilliant invention – spiritual deception.
Spiritual deception is without a doubt one of the most ingenious creations of the ancient world by the Sadducees. For upon the threat of execution by the Persians, then the Greeks and the Romans for satanic worship, the Sadducees adopted the outer appearance of sanctity and piety of the Pharisees and Essenes, while still maintaining their secret ceremonies and lavish lifestyle.
While today, such duplicity of mind is considered common place and with many examples, most often associated with Christian church officials over the past two thousand years.
But what must be remembered, that such duplicity of mind- to maintain a consistent outer exterior of holiness, of a completely convincing act of piety, while doing the exact opposite in private such as sacrificing small children and cannibalism required an extraordinary mind set without precedence in the ancient world.
People were either openly good or evil. Such deception using religion and holiness as a mask for satanic worship was unheard of. However, as Sadducees continued to perfect the open lie, the lie itself became a tremendous source of power, particularly in securing the unwavering loyalty of those brought into the inner circle and therefore exposed to the deceit.
A similar example is to be found when certain parents molest their children while maintaining the outer appearance of being perfect parents. The act of being perfect parents can often help suppress the truth and force the compliance of the abused son or daughter for years.
So too, the Sadducees found by the time of Jesus that they could virtually act with impunity by maintaining the outer appearance of holiness, yet continue their lavish, evil behaviors in private.
For it was virtually impossible to combat and defeat someone so completely two faced (like the God Janus) who both argues and defends themselves as holy people, yet acts with such evil in the secrecy of the temple and/or their home.
Through the House of Ananus and Paul of Tarsus, this was to be their shining legacy to the human race in the first formation of Christianity.
Even today, the Sadduceean legacy of evil cloaked as goodness as religious mind is virtually impossible to detect, or to defeat until actual proof is discovered.
Again in testament to the brilliance of the sociopathic mindset of the Sadducees, whenever one is found, their actions are isolated as a fault of themselves, of being tempted and weak, never the system or the culture.
Therefore, so long as the culture created by the High Priests who crucified Jesus, who murdered his family, who destroyed and suppressed the true message of Jesus, who subjugated millions as “sheep”, who condemned millions of souls to a trapped torment in the afterlife, it remains “business as usual”.
The Nazarenes (Gnostics)
Chapter 1-The Truth Bringers
Chapter 2-The Nazarenes
Chapter 3-The Divine Holly Spirits
Chapter 4-Knowledge and blood
Chapter 5-The Essenes and Nazarenes
Chapter 6-Hubris of wisdom
Chapter 7-The end of the Nazarenes
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Nice Things to Say About Attila the Hun
He called himself flagellum Dei, the scourge of God, and
even today, 1,500 years after his blood-drenched death, his name remains
a byword for brutality. Ancient artists placed great stress on his
inhumanity, depicting him with goatish beard and devil’s horns. Then as
now, he seemed the epitome of an Asian steppe nomad: ugly, squat and
fearsome, lethal with a bow, interested chiefly in looting and in rape.
His real name was Attila, King of the Huns, and even today the mention of it jangles some atavistic panic bell deep within civilized hearts. For Edward Gibbon—no great admirer of the Roman Empire that the Huns ravaged repeatedly between 434 and 453 A.D.—Attila was a “savage destroyer” of whom it was said that “the grass never grew on the spot where his horse had trod.” For the Roman historian Jordanes, he was “a man born into the world to shake the nations.” As recently as a century ago, when the British wanted to emphasize how barbarous and how un-English their opponents in the First World War had grown—how very far they had fallen short in their sense of honor, justice and fair play—they called the Germans “Huns.”
Yet there are those who think we have much to learn from a people who came apparently from nowhere to force the mighty Roman Empire almost to its knees. A few years ago now, Wess Roberts made a bestseller out of a book titled Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun by arguing that—for blood-spattered barbarians—the Huns had plenty to teach American executives about “win-directed, take-charge management.” And Bill Madden reported, in his biography of George Steinbrenner, that the one-time owner of the New York Yankees was in the habit of studying Attila in the hope of gaining insights that would prove invaluable in business. Attila, Steinbrenner asserted, “wasn’t perfect, but he did have some good things to say.”
Even serious historians are prone to ponder why exactly Attila is so memorable—why it is, as Adrian Goldsworthy observes, that there have been many barbarian leaders, and yet Attila’s is “one of the few names from antiquity that still prompt instant recognition, putting him alongside the likes of Alexander, Caesar, Cleopatra and Nero. Attila has become the barbarian of the ancient world.”
For me, this question became immediate just last month, when an old friend e-mailed out of the blue to ask: “Was A the H all bad? Or has his reputation been unfairly traduced in the course of generally rubbishing everything from that period that wasn’t Roman?”
This odd request was, he explained, the product of the recent birth of twins. He and his wife were considering the name Attila for their newborn son (and Berengaria for their daughter). And while it may help to explain that the mother is Greek, and that the name remains popular in some parts of the Balkans, the more I mulled over the problem, the more I realized that there were indeed at least some nice things to be said about Attila the Hun.
For one thing, the barbarian leader was, for the most part, a man of his word—by the standards 0f his time, at least. For years, he levied annual tribute from the Roman Empire, but while the cost of peace with the Huns was considerable—350 pounds of solid gold a year in 422, rising to 700 in 440 and eventually to 2,100 in 480—it did buy peace.
While the tribute was paid, the Huns were quiet. And though most historians agree that Attila chose not to press the Romans harder because he calculated that it was far easier to take their money than to indulge in risky military action, it is not hard to think of examples of barbarians who extracted tribute and then attacked regardless—nor of leaders (Æthelred the Unready springs to mind) who paid up while secretly plotting to massacre their tormentors.
It might be added that Attila was very much an equal-opportunity sort of barbarian. “His main aim,” notes Goldsworthy, “was to profit from plunder during warfare and extortion in peacetime.”
More compelling, perhaps, is the high regard that Attila always placed on loyalty. A constant feature of the diplomatic relations he maintained with both the Eastern and the Western portions of the Roman Empire was that any dissident Huns found in their territories should be returned to him.
In 448, Attila showed himself ready to go to war against the Eastern Empire for failing to comply with one of these treaties and returning only five of the 17 Hun turncoats that the king demanded. (It is possible, that the other dozen fled; our sources indicate that the fate of those traitors unlucky enough to be surrendered to Attila was rarely pleasant. Two Hun princes whom the Romans handed over were instantly impaled.)
It would be wrong, of course, to portray Attila as some sort of beacon of enlightenment. He killed Bleda, his own brother, in order to unite the Hun empire and rule it alone. He was no patron of learning, and he did order massacres, putting entire monasteries to the sword. The Roman historian Priscus, who was part of an embassy that visited Attila on the Danube and who left the only eyewitness account that we have of the Hun king and his capital, saw regular explosions of rage. Still, it is difficult to know whether these storms of anger were genuine or simply displays intended to awe the ambassadors, and there are things to admire in the respect that Attila accorded Bleda’s widow—when Priscus encountered her, she held the post of governor of a Hun village. The same writer observed Attila with his son and noted definite tenderness, writing: “He drew him close… and gazed at him with gentle eyes.”
The discovery of a rich fifth century Hun hoard in Pietrosa, Romania, strongly suggests that the Hun king permitted his subjects to enrich themselves, but it is to Priscus that we owe much of our evidence of Attila’s generosity. Surprised to be greeted in Greek by one “tribesman” he and his companions encountered on the Hungarian plain, Priscus questioned the man and discovered he had once been a Roman subject and had been captured when Attila sacked a city of the Danube.
Freed from slavery by his Hun master, the Greek had elected to fight for the “Scythians” (as Priscus called the Huns), and now protested that “his new life was preferable to his old, complaining of the Empire’s heavy taxes, corrupt government, and the unfairness and cost of the legal system.” Attila, Priscus recorded, also employed two Roman secretaries, who served him out of loyalty rather than fear, and even had a Roman friend, Flavius Aëtius, who lived among the Huns as a hostage for several years. Aëtius used the military skills he learned from them to become a highly proficient horseman and archer, and, eventually, one of the leading generals of his day.
Most surprising, perhaps, the Hun king was capable of mercy—or at least cool political calculation. When he uncovered a Roman plot against his life, Attila spared the would-be assassin from the hideous fate that would have awaited any other man. Instead, he sent the would-be assassin back to his paymasters in Constantinople, accompanied by note setting out in humiliating detail the discovery of the Roman scheme–and a demand for further tribute.
Attila remained a threat to both the Western and the Eastern Empires, nonetheless. His armies reached as far south as Constantinople in 443; between 450 and 453 he invaded France and Italy. Oddly, but arguably creditably, the latter two campaigns were fought—so the Hun king claimed—to satisfy the honor of a Roman princess. Honoria, sister of the Western emperor, Valentinian III, had been sadly disappointed with the husband that her brother had selected for her and sent her engagement ring to Attila with a request for aid.
The king chose to interpret this act as a proposal of marriage, and—demanding half the Western Empire as a dowry—he fought two bloody campaigns in Honoria’s name.
Of all Attila’s better qualities, though, the one that most commends him to the modern mind is his refusal to be seduced by wealth. Priscus, again, makes the point most clearly, relating that when Attila greeted the Roman ambassadors with a banquet,
Attila’s people would not threaten Rome again, and they knew what they had lost. Gibbon puts it best: “The Barbarians cut off a part of their hair, gashed their faces with unseemly wounds, and bewailed their valiant leader as he deserved. Not with the tears of women, but with the blood of warriors.”
His real name was Attila, King of the Huns, and even today the mention of it jangles some atavistic panic bell deep within civilized hearts. For Edward Gibbon—no great admirer of the Roman Empire that the Huns ravaged repeatedly between 434 and 453 A.D.—Attila was a “savage destroyer” of whom it was said that “the grass never grew on the spot where his horse had trod.” For the Roman historian Jordanes, he was “a man born into the world to shake the nations.” As recently as a century ago, when the British wanted to emphasize how barbarous and how un-English their opponents in the First World War had grown—how very far they had fallen short in their sense of honor, justice and fair play—they called the Germans “Huns.”
Yet there are those who think we have much to learn from a people who came apparently from nowhere to force the mighty Roman Empire almost to its knees. A few years ago now, Wess Roberts made a bestseller out of a book titled Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun by arguing that—for blood-spattered barbarians—the Huns had plenty to teach American executives about “win-directed, take-charge management.” And Bill Madden reported, in his biography of George Steinbrenner, that the one-time owner of the New York Yankees was in the habit of studying Attila in the hope of gaining insights that would prove invaluable in business. Attila, Steinbrenner asserted, “wasn’t perfect, but he did have some good things to say.”
Even serious historians are prone to ponder why exactly Attila is so memorable—why it is, as Adrian Goldsworthy observes, that there have been many barbarian leaders, and yet Attila’s is “one of the few names from antiquity that still prompt instant recognition, putting him alongside the likes of Alexander, Caesar, Cleopatra and Nero. Attila has become the barbarian of the ancient world.”
For me, this question became immediate just last month, when an old friend e-mailed out of the blue to ask: “Was A the H all bad? Or has his reputation been unfairly traduced in the course of generally rubbishing everything from that period that wasn’t Roman?”
This odd request was, he explained, the product of the recent birth of twins. He and his wife were considering the name Attila for their newborn son (and Berengaria for their daughter). And while it may help to explain that the mother is Greek, and that the name remains popular in some parts of the Balkans, the more I mulled over the problem, the more I realized that there were indeed at least some nice things to be said about Attila the Hun.
For one thing, the barbarian leader was, for the most part, a man of his word—by the standards 0f his time, at least. For years, he levied annual tribute from the Roman Empire, but while the cost of peace with the Huns was considerable—350 pounds of solid gold a year in 422, rising to 700 in 440 and eventually to 2,100 in 480—it did buy peace.
While the tribute was paid, the Huns were quiet. And though most historians agree that Attila chose not to press the Romans harder because he calculated that it was far easier to take their money than to indulge in risky military action, it is not hard to think of examples of barbarians who extracted tribute and then attacked regardless—nor of leaders (Æthelred the Unready springs to mind) who paid up while secretly plotting to massacre their tormentors.
It might be added that Attila was very much an equal-opportunity sort of barbarian. “His main aim,” notes Goldsworthy, “was to profit from plunder during warfare and extortion in peacetime.”
More compelling, perhaps, is the high regard that Attila always placed on loyalty. A constant feature of the diplomatic relations he maintained with both the Eastern and the Western portions of the Roman Empire was that any dissident Huns found in their territories should be returned to him.
In 448, Attila showed himself ready to go to war against the Eastern Empire for failing to comply with one of these treaties and returning only five of the 17 Hun turncoats that the king demanded. (It is possible, that the other dozen fled; our sources indicate that the fate of those traitors unlucky enough to be surrendered to Attila was rarely pleasant. Two Hun princes whom the Romans handed over were instantly impaled.)
It would be wrong, of course, to portray Attila as some sort of beacon of enlightenment. He killed Bleda, his own brother, in order to unite the Hun empire and rule it alone. He was no patron of learning, and he did order massacres, putting entire monasteries to the sword. The Roman historian Priscus, who was part of an embassy that visited Attila on the Danube and who left the only eyewitness account that we have of the Hun king and his capital, saw regular explosions of rage. Still, it is difficult to know whether these storms of anger were genuine or simply displays intended to awe the ambassadors, and there are things to admire in the respect that Attila accorded Bleda’s widow—when Priscus encountered her, she held the post of governor of a Hun village. The same writer observed Attila with his son and noted definite tenderness, writing: “He drew him close… and gazed at him with gentle eyes.”
The discovery of a rich fifth century Hun hoard in Pietrosa, Romania, strongly suggests that the Hun king permitted his subjects to enrich themselves, but it is to Priscus that we owe much of our evidence of Attila’s generosity. Surprised to be greeted in Greek by one “tribesman” he and his companions encountered on the Hungarian plain, Priscus questioned the man and discovered he had once been a Roman subject and had been captured when Attila sacked a city of the Danube.
Freed from slavery by his Hun master, the Greek had elected to fight for the “Scythians” (as Priscus called the Huns), and now protested that “his new life was preferable to his old, complaining of the Empire’s heavy taxes, corrupt government, and the unfairness and cost of the legal system.” Attila, Priscus recorded, also employed two Roman secretaries, who served him out of loyalty rather than fear, and even had a Roman friend, Flavius Aëtius, who lived among the Huns as a hostage for several years. Aëtius used the military skills he learned from them to become a highly proficient horseman and archer, and, eventually, one of the leading generals of his day.
Most surprising, perhaps, the Hun king was capable of mercy—or at least cool political calculation. When he uncovered a Roman plot against his life, Attila spared the would-be assassin from the hideous fate that would have awaited any other man. Instead, he sent the would-be assassin back to his paymasters in Constantinople, accompanied by note setting out in humiliating detail the discovery of the Roman scheme–and a demand for further tribute.
Attila remained a threat to both the Western and the Eastern Empires, nonetheless. His armies reached as far south as Constantinople in 443; between 450 and 453 he invaded France and Italy. Oddly, but arguably creditably, the latter two campaigns were fought—so the Hun king claimed—to satisfy the honor of a Roman princess. Honoria, sister of the Western emperor, Valentinian III, had been sadly disappointed with the husband that her brother had selected for her and sent her engagement ring to Attila with a request for aid.
The king chose to interpret this act as a proposal of marriage, and—demanding half the Western Empire as a dowry—he fought two bloody campaigns in Honoria’s name.
Of all Attila’s better qualities, though, the one that most commends him to the modern mind is his refusal to be seduced by wealth. Priscus, again, makes the point most clearly, relating that when Attila greeted the Roman ambassadors with a banquet,
tables, large enough for three or four, or even more, to sit at, were placed next to the table of Attila, so that each could take of the food on the dishes without leaving his seat. The attendant of Attila entered first with a dish full of meat, and behind him came the other attendants with bread and viands, which they laid on the tables. A luxurious meal, served on silver plate, had been made ready for us and the barbarian guests, but Attila ate nothing but meat on a wooden trencher. In everything else, too, he showed himself temperate; his cup was of wood, while to the guests were given goblets of gold and silver. His dress, too, was quite simple, affecting only to be clean. The sword he carried at his side, the latchets of his Scythian shoes, the bridle of his horse were not adorned, like those of the other Scythians, with gold or gems or anything costly.So lived Attila, king of the Huns—and so he died, in 453, age probably about 50 and still refusing to yield to the temptations of luxury. His spectacular demise, on one of his many wedding nights, is memorably described by Gibbon:
Before the king of the Huns evacuated Italy, he threatened to return more dreadful, and more implacable, if his bride, the princess Honoria, were not delivered to his ambassadors…. Yet, in the mean while Attila relieved his tender anxiety, by adding a beautiful maid, whose name was Ildico, to the list of his innumerable wives. Their marriage was celebrated with barbaric pomp and festivity, at his wooden palace beyond the Danube; and the monarch, oppressed with wine and sleep, retired, at a late hour, from the banquet to the nuptial bed. His attendants continued to respect his pleasures, or his repose, the greatest part of the ensuing day, till the unusual silence alarmed their fears and suspicions; and, after attempting to awaken Attila by loud and repeated cries, they at length broke into the royal apartment. They found the trembling bride sitting by the bedside, hiding her face with her veil…. The king…had expired during the night. An artery had suddenly burst; and as Attila lay in a supine posture, he was suffocated by a torrent of blood, which instead of finding a passage through his nostrils, regurgitated into the lungs and stomach.The king, in short, had drowned in his own gore. He had, Gibbon adds, been “glorious in his life, invincible in death, the father of his people, the scourge of his enemies, and the terror of the world.” The Huns buried him in a triple coffin—an iron exterior concealing an inner silver casket which, in turn, masked one of gold—and did it secretly at night, massacring the prisoners whom they had forced to dig his grave so that it would never be discovered.
Attila’s people would not threaten Rome again, and they knew what they had lost. Gibbon puts it best: “The Barbarians cut off a part of their hair, gashed their faces with unseemly wounds, and bewailed their valiant leader as he deserved. Not with the tears of women, but with the blood of warriors.”
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
The Vatican.
The Vatican rules over approximately 2 billion of the world’s 6.1 billion people. The colossal wealth of the Vatican includes enormous investments with the Rothschild’s in Britain, France, and the USA, and with giant oil and weapons corporations like Shell and General Electric. The Vatican solid gold bullion worth billions, is stored with the Rothschild controlled Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve Bank.
The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator, and property owner in existence. Possessing more material wealth than any bank, corporation, giant trust, or government anywhere on the globe. The Pope, who is the visible ruler of this colossal global wealth is one of the richest men on Earth. While two-thirds of the world earns less than two dollars a day, and one-fifth of the world is under fed or starving to death, the Vatican hordes the world’s wealth, profits from it on the stock market, and at the same time preached about giving.
Like Vatican City, London’s Inner city is also a privately owned corporation, or city state, located right smack in the heart of Greater London. It became a sovereign state in 1694 when King William III of Orange privatized and turned the Bank of England over to the bankers. By 1812 Nathan Rothschild crashed the English stock market and scammed control of the Bank of England. Today the city state of London is the world’s financial power centre and the wealthiest square mile on the face of the Earth. It houses the Rothschild controlled Bank of England, Lloyd’s of London, the London Stock Exchange, all British Banks, the branch offices of 385 foreign banks, and 70 US banks. It has its own courts, its own laws, its own flag, and its own police force. It’s not part of Greater London, England, or the British Commonwealth, and pays no taxes. The city state of London houses Fleet Street’s newspaper and publishing monopolies. It is also the headquarters for worldwide English Freemasonry and headquarters for the worldwide money cartel know as the Crown.
Contrary to popular belief the Crown is not the Royal Family or the British Monarch. The Crown is the private corporate city state of London. It has a council of twelve members who rule the corporation under a mayor called the Lord Mayor. The Lord Mayor and his twelve member council serve as prophecies or represent who sit in for thirteen of the world’s wealthiest, most powerful banking families. This ring of thirteen ruling families includes the Rothschild family, the Warburg family, the Oppenheimer family, and the Schiff family. These families and their descendants run the Crown Corporation of London. The Crown Corporation holds the title to worldwide Crown land in Crown colonies like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The British Parliament and the British Prime Minister serve as a public front for these ruling crown families.
Like the city state of London and the Vatican, a third city state was officially created in 1790 as the first Act of the Constitution America. That city state is called the District of Columbia and located on ten square miles of land in the heart of Washington. The District of Columbia flies its own flag, and has its own independent constitution. Although geographically separate, the city states of London, the Vatican, and the District of Columbia are one interlocking empire called Empire of the City.
The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia has three red stars. One for each city state in the three city empire. This corporate empire of three city states controls the world economically through London’s inner city, militarily through the District of Columbia, and spiritually through the Vatican.
The constitution for the District of Columbia operates under a tyrannical Roman law known as Lex Fori which bares no resemblance to the US Constitution.
When Congress passed the Act of 1871 it created a separate corporate government for the District of Columbia. This treasonous act allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and outside of the best interest of American citizens.
A sobering study of the signed treaties and charters between Britain and the United States exposes a shocking truth that the United States has always been and still is a British Colony. King James I was famous, not for just changing the Bible into the King James version, but for signing the First Charter of Virginia in 1606. That charter granted America’s British forefathers a license to settle and colonize America. The charter also guarantees that future kings and queens of England would have sovereign authority over all the citizens and colonized land in America stolen from the Indians.
Although King George III of England gave up most of his claims over the American colonies, he kept his right to continue receiving payment for his business venture of colonizing America. If America had really won the war of independence they would never have agreed to pay debts and reparations to the King of England.
Americas blood soaked war of independence against the British bankrupted America and turned its citizens into permanent debt slaves of the king. In the War of 1812 the British torched and burned to the ground the White House and all US government buildings and destroyed ratification records of the US Constitution.
In 1604, a corporation called the Virginia Company was formed in anticipation of the imminent influx of white Europeans, mostly British at first, into the North American continent. Its main stockholder was King James I and the original charter for the company was completed by April 10th 1606.
The Virginia Company owned most of the land of what we now call the USA. The Virginia Company (The British Crown and the bloodline families) had rights to 50%, yes 50%, of all gold and silver mined on its lands, plus percentages of other minerals and raw materials, and 5% of all profits from other ventures. The lands of the Virginia Company were granted to the colonies under a Deed of Trust (on lease) and therefore they could not claim ownership of the land. They could pass on the perpetual use of the land to their heirs or sell the perpetual use, but they could never own it. Ownership was retained by the British Crown.
The original Organic American Constitution reads: “The Constitution for the united states of America”.
When Americans agree to have a social security number the citizens of the united states surrender their sovereignty and agree to become franchises of the United States (The Virginia Company of the British Crown).
Everything in the “United States” is for sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water, prisons, airports etc. (Executive Order 12803)
The ‘Crown’ that owns Virginia (USA) is the administrative corporation of the City of London, an State independent of Great Britain and wholly owned by the Pontiff of Rome. Since 1213, the Monarchs of England have been puppet Monarchs under the Pontifex Maximus of the Holy Roman Empire, a corporate body over which the pontiff of Rome is CEO. Since 1300, when the Crown of Great Britain (England) was made a sub-corporation of the Crown of the City of London, the Monarchs of England, as CEO of the Crown of Great Britain have been agents for the Crown of the City. Thus, the real Crown was obfuscated from the eyes of the ‘colonials’. But, anyone who cared to look and reason could have seen this scheme even in the late AD 1700s.
The ‘common law’ of England, since the incorporation of the British Crown around AD 1300, has been Roman Municipal Law, a type of Roman civil law designed to rule over debtor States. The Anglo-Saxon common law, which used only ‘God’s Law’, ceased to exist with the implementation of the feudal system where all people were subjects of the corporate Crown, and after the Pope’s Papal Bull, Unam Sanctam 1302 where he declared: “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” Subject means slave, as does ‘citizen’ and ‘freeman’.
Roman Law uses the law of the sea because all human institutions in the Roman system are make-believe ships at sea (incorporated bodies).
The ‘all caps’ spelling does not make the ‘legal identity name” (strawman). It is where the family name has been converted into a ’surname - primary name’. The all caps only signifies that the name carries with its use the status of slave pledged as chattel in bankruptcy of the State.
The Fraud of Ownership
If you would like to read an indepth investigation of history to better understand this information : click here
The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator, and property owner in existence. Possessing more material wealth than any bank, corporation, giant trust, or government anywhere on the globe. The Pope, who is the visible ruler of this colossal global wealth is one of the richest men on Earth. While two-thirds of the world earns less than two dollars a day, and one-fifth of the world is under fed or starving to death, the Vatican hordes the world’s wealth, profits from it on the stock market, and at the same time preached about giving.
Like Vatican City, London’s Inner city is also a privately owned corporation, or city state, located right smack in the heart of Greater London. It became a sovereign state in 1694 when King William III of Orange privatized and turned the Bank of England over to the bankers. By 1812 Nathan Rothschild crashed the English stock market and scammed control of the Bank of England. Today the city state of London is the world’s financial power centre and the wealthiest square mile on the face of the Earth. It houses the Rothschild controlled Bank of England, Lloyd’s of London, the London Stock Exchange, all British Banks, the branch offices of 385 foreign banks, and 70 US banks. It has its own courts, its own laws, its own flag, and its own police force. It’s not part of Greater London, England, or the British Commonwealth, and pays no taxes. The city state of London houses Fleet Street’s newspaper and publishing monopolies. It is also the headquarters for worldwide English Freemasonry and headquarters for the worldwide money cartel know as the Crown.
Contrary to popular belief the Crown is not the Royal Family or the British Monarch. The Crown is the private corporate city state of London. It has a council of twelve members who rule the corporation under a mayor called the Lord Mayor. The Lord Mayor and his twelve member council serve as prophecies or represent who sit in for thirteen of the world’s wealthiest, most powerful banking families. This ring of thirteen ruling families includes the Rothschild family, the Warburg family, the Oppenheimer family, and the Schiff family. These families and their descendants run the Crown Corporation of London. The Crown Corporation holds the title to worldwide Crown land in Crown colonies like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The British Parliament and the British Prime Minister serve as a public front for these ruling crown families.
Like the city state of London and the Vatican, a third city state was officially created in 1790 as the first Act of the Constitution America. That city state is called the District of Columbia and located on ten square miles of land in the heart of Washington. The District of Columbia flies its own flag, and has its own independent constitution. Although geographically separate, the city states of London, the Vatican, and the District of Columbia are one interlocking empire called Empire of the City.
The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia has three red stars. One for each city state in the three city empire. This corporate empire of three city states controls the world economically through London’s inner city, militarily through the District of Columbia, and spiritually through the Vatican.
The constitution for the District of Columbia operates under a tyrannical Roman law known as Lex Fori which bares no resemblance to the US Constitution.
When Congress passed the Act of 1871 it created a separate corporate government for the District of Columbia. This treasonous act allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and outside of the best interest of American citizens.
A sobering study of the signed treaties and charters between Britain and the United States exposes a shocking truth that the United States has always been and still is a British Colony. King James I was famous, not for just changing the Bible into the King James version, but for signing the First Charter of Virginia in 1606. That charter granted America’s British forefathers a license to settle and colonize America. The charter also guarantees that future kings and queens of England would have sovereign authority over all the citizens and colonized land in America stolen from the Indians.
Although King George III of England gave up most of his claims over the American colonies, he kept his right to continue receiving payment for his business venture of colonizing America. If America had really won the war of independence they would never have agreed to pay debts and reparations to the King of England.
Americas blood soaked war of independence against the British bankrupted America and turned its citizens into permanent debt slaves of the king. In the War of 1812 the British torched and burned to the ground the White House and all US government buildings and destroyed ratification records of the US Constitution.
In 1604, a corporation called the Virginia Company was formed in anticipation of the imminent influx of white Europeans, mostly British at first, into the North American continent. Its main stockholder was King James I and the original charter for the company was completed by April 10th 1606.
The Virginia Company owned most of the land of what we now call the USA. The Virginia Company (The British Crown and the bloodline families) had rights to 50%, yes 50%, of all gold and silver mined on its lands, plus percentages of other minerals and raw materials, and 5% of all profits from other ventures. The lands of the Virginia Company were granted to the colonies under a Deed of Trust (on lease) and therefore they could not claim ownership of the land. They could pass on the perpetual use of the land to their heirs or sell the perpetual use, but they could never own it. Ownership was retained by the British Crown.
The original Organic American Constitution reads: “The Constitution for the united states of America”.
When Americans agree to have a social security number the citizens of the united states surrender their sovereignty and agree to become franchises of the United States (The Virginia Company of the British Crown).
Everything in the “United States” is for sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water, prisons, airports etc. (Executive Order 12803)
The ‘Crown’ that owns Virginia (USA) is the administrative corporation of the City of London, an State independent of Great Britain and wholly owned by the Pontiff of Rome. Since 1213, the Monarchs of England have been puppet Monarchs under the Pontifex Maximus of the Holy Roman Empire, a corporate body over which the pontiff of Rome is CEO. Since 1300, when the Crown of Great Britain (England) was made a sub-corporation of the Crown of the City of London, the Monarchs of England, as CEO of the Crown of Great Britain have been agents for the Crown of the City. Thus, the real Crown was obfuscated from the eyes of the ‘colonials’. But, anyone who cared to look and reason could have seen this scheme even in the late AD 1700s.
The ‘common law’ of England, since the incorporation of the British Crown around AD 1300, has been Roman Municipal Law, a type of Roman civil law designed to rule over debtor States. The Anglo-Saxon common law, which used only ‘God’s Law’, ceased to exist with the implementation of the feudal system where all people were subjects of the corporate Crown, and after the Pope’s Papal Bull, Unam Sanctam 1302 where he declared: “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” Subject means slave, as does ‘citizen’ and ‘freeman’.
Roman Law uses the law of the sea because all human institutions in the Roman system are make-believe ships at sea (incorporated bodies).
The ‘all caps’ spelling does not make the ‘legal identity name” (strawman). It is where the family name has been converted into a ’surname - primary name’. The all caps only signifies that the name carries with its use the status of slave pledged as chattel in bankruptcy of the State.
The Fraud of Ownership
If you would like to read an indepth investigation of history to better understand this information : click here
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